• Wood therapy + pressotherapy voucher

    Vouchers: 5 sessions = €355. / 10 sessions = €485.ATTENTION!Half of the price is to be paid on the web, as a reservation and the rest in cash at the site.The booking is NOT refundable.
  • Wood Therapy + Pressotherapy Voucher - Gift

    Vouchers: 5 sessions = €355. / 10 sessions = €485.For appointments for gift or card orders, you will be asked for the code enclosed after your purchase when booking by phone or email.
  • Bono Maderoterapia corporal

    BONOS: 5 SESIONES  = 235€. / 10 sesiones = 400€ATTENTION!Half of the price is to be paid on the web, as a reservation and the rest in cash at the site.The booking is NOT refundable.
  • Bono Maderoterapia corporal – Para regalar

    BONOS: 5 SESIONES  = 235€. / 10 sesiones = 400€For appointments for gift or card orders, you will be asked for the code enclosed after your purchase when booking by phone or email.
  • Decontracting massage and stretching voucher

    TOTAL TO BE PAID: 165.00 €VOUCHERS: 5 SESSIONS 30 MINUTES + 30 MINUTES CRANIAL MASSAGE OR FOOT MASSAGE + TEADecontracting massage is a manual therapy technique, which consists of using deep and intense manoeuvres, que van dirigidas a zonas de dolor y que buscan to eliminate contractures and trigger points, helping to recover the normal function of the muscle. Acompañados de estiramientos en todo el cuerpo to increase range of motion in the joints. 
    • Improve your performance in physical activities.
    • Reduce the risk of injuries.
    • Allow the joints to move with their full range of motion.
    • Increase blood flow.
    ATTENTION!Half of the price is to be paid on the web, as a reservation and the rest in cash at the site.The booking is NOT refundable.
  • Sadhana Massage Voucher

    TOTAL TO BE PAID: 150.00 €3 SESSIONS 60 MINUTES + GIFT REFLEXOLOGY PODAL LEGS AND FEET FOR 30 MINUTESATTENTION!Half of the price is to be paid on the web, as a reservation and the rest in cash at the site.The booking is NOT refundable. 
  • Sadhana massage + hot stones voucher

    TOTAL TO BE PAID: 210.00 €Vouchers: 4 sessions 70 minutes+ gift paraffin To choose between hands,foods or back 30 minutes+ teaATTENTION!Half of the price is to be paid on the web, as a reservation and the rest in cash at the site.The booking is NOT refundable.
  • Facial Radiofrequency And Vitamin C Voucher

    TOTAL TO BE PAID: 250.00 €VOUCHERS: 4 SESIONES DE RADIOFRECUENCIA FACIAL CON VITAMINA C 60 MINUTOS + TEAATTENTION!Half of the price is to be paid on the web, as a reservation and the rest in cash at the site.The booking is NOT refundable. 
  • Detox Reset Voucher

    TOTAL TO BE PAID: 400.00 €VOUCHERS: 4 SESSIONSATTENTION!Half of the price is to be paid on the web, as a reservation and the rest in cash at the site.The booking is NOT refundable.
  • Shantala Pregnants Voucher

    TOTAL TO BE PAID: 250.00 €VOUCHERS: 4 SESSIONSATTENTION!Half of the price is to be paid on the web, as a reservation and the rest in cash at the site.The booking is NOT refundable.
  • Wood therapy + pressotherapy

    Minimum duration 90 minutes
    TOTAL A PAGAR: 80€ ---- 1h 30min


    30min Pressotherapy + Exfoliation + Wood TherapyLos tratamientos de maderoterapia y presoterapia son muy efectivos y beneficiosos. La maderoterapia actúa contra la celulitis y la flacidez, gracias al efecto de las maderas y los masajes se consigue una piel lisa y tersa. La presoterapia consigue un relajante drenaje linfático mecánico. Es por ello que son complementarios a otro tipo de tratamientos y masajes.Benefits of combining wood therapy and pressotherapy
      • Promotes blood circulation.
      • Firms and tones the skin.
      • Promotes lymphatic circulation.
      • Acts on the nervous system promoting relaxation.
      • Stimulates lipolysis.
    ATTENTION!Half of the price is to be paid on the web, as a reservation and the rest in cash at the site.The booking is NOT refundable.
  • Body Wood Therapy

    Minimum duration 45 minutes
    TOTAL A PAGAR: 55€ ---- 45min


    PIERNAS + GLUTEOS o ABDOMEN + FLANCOS - 45 MIN STEPS: EXFOLIATION + WOOD THERAPY + CREAMLa maderoterapia actúa contra la celulitis y la flacidez, gracias al efecto de las maderas y los masajes se consigue una piel lisa y tersaBenefits of combining wood therapy
    • Promotes blood circulation.
    • Firms and tones the skin.
    • Promotes lymphatic circulation.
    • Acts on the nervous system promoting relaxation.
    • Stimulates lipolysis.
    ATTENTION!Half of the price is to be paid on the web, as a reservation and the rest in cash at the site.The booking is NOT refundable.
  • Four hands massage

    Minimum duration 30 minutes
    45.00€ ---- 30 minutes 80.00€ ---- 50 minutesIt is one of the most spectacular therapeutic massages, performed by two perfectly synchronized masseurs that provides maximum relaxation with a magical sensation.ATTENTION!Half of the price is to be paid on the web, as a reservation and the rest in cash at the site.The booking is NOT refundable.
  • Bali Bliss Massage

    Minimum duration 70 minutes
    65.00€ ---- 70 minutosTraditional Masaje Tradicional se basan en la medicina ayurveda combened with the traditional Chinese medicine, with deep acu pressures para promover el flujo sanguíneo. Creado para conseguir un mayor relax, a través de the aromas offered by Indonesia..Junto a técnicas de masaje nos ayuda a cuidar el cuerpo y la mente, aportando importantes efectos relajantes, terapéuticos y sanadores terminando con una envoltura corporal de Aloe vera.
    • Improves insomnia.
    • Rejuvenation of the skin 
    • Reactivates circulation
    • Balances the chi (Energy)
    • Facial massage with anti-wrinkle elixir and regenerating power
    • Acupressure pressures on arms, abdomen, legs, back, and feet. Approx. 40m
    • Aloe vera body wrap soothing and relaxing 20m and shower.


    ATTENTION!Half of the price is to be paid on the web, as a reservation and the rest in cash at the site.The booking is NOT refundable.
  • Cranial massage

    Minimum duration 30 minutes
    PRECIO TOTAL: 25€ - 30 minutosCranial Massage El masaje craneal se aplica en el cráneo, la cara, el cuello y los hombros. Reduce la tensión acumulada: headaches, relieves sinusitis, brings a sense of calm and well-being, eliminates stress and anxiety, or bad postural habits que pueden producir cefaleas tensionales.ATTENTION!Half of the price is to be paid on the web, as a reservation and the rest in cash at the site.The booking is NOT refundable. 
  • Foot and Leg Massage.

    Minimum duration 30 minutes
    25.00€ ---- 30 minutos. 50.00€ ---- 60 minutos.


    El masaje de pies es una práctica tradicional que elimina la tensión, alivia el dolor, y restaura el equilibrio general del cuerpoEliminates the feeling of fatigue and heaviness in the legs,producing an anti-stress effect, Mejora la circulación sanguínea dado su poder de drenador y relajante.ATTENTION!Half of the price is to be paid on the web, as a reservation and the rest in cash at the site.The booking is NOT refundable.
  • Decontracting massage and stretching massage

    Minimum duration 30 minutes
    35.00€ ---- 30 minutos 60.00 € ---- 60 minutes


    El masaje descontracturante es una técnica de therapy technique, which consists of using deep and intense manoeuvres, que van dirigidas at areas of pain and which seek eliminar las contracturas y puntos gatillo, ayudando a recuperar la función normal del músculo. Acompañados de estiramientos en todo el cuerpo to increase range of motion in the joints.
    • Improve your performance in physical activities.
    • Reduce the risk of injuries.
    • Allow the joints to move with their full range of motion.
    ATTENTION!Half of the price is to be paid on the web, as a reservation and the rest in cash at the site.The booking is NOT refundable.
  • Sadhana Massage + Hot Stones

    Minimum duration 40 minutes
    40.00 € ---- 40 minutes 60.00 € ---- 70 minutes 85.00 € ---- 90 minutes


    This therapy combines traditional therapeutic massage with the application on the skin of stones at different temperatures to facilitate the flow of vital energy and thus alleviate physical and emotional disorders, reduction and relief of pain, elimination of skin toxins and improvement of the circulatory system.ATTENTION!Half of the price is to be paid on the web, as a reservation and the rest in cash at the site.The booking is NOT refundable.
  • Sadhana Massage (our star massage)

    Minimum duration 40 minutes
    35.00€ ---- 40 minutes 55.00€ ---- 60 minutes 75.00€ ---- 90 minutos


    Fusiona la mente and el cuerpo mediante la producción de endorfinasaliviando la tensión y favoreciendo la relajación mental. The massage is performed on the whole body, re-establishing vital harmony.It helps to reducir el dolor de espalda y cabeza, disminuye nuestros niveles de estrés, mejora la circulación, combate la ansiedad, depresión, favorece la eliminación de toxinas, disminuye la tensión muscularThe perfect balance between mind, body, and spirit.ATTENTION!Half of the price is to be paid on the web, as a reservation and the rest in cash at the site.The booking is NOT refundable.
  • Ananda Pack (Happiness)

    Nuestro exclusivo pack Ananda diseñado para brindarte una experiencia de bienestar integral. Alcanza la relajación máxima anti-estrés y desconexión de tu rutina diaria.
    • Sadhana (relaxing massage) plus volcanic hot stones at different temperatures.
    • Foot exfoliation plus foot and leg massage.
    • Anti-aging, firming, and moisturizing facial treatment with BAYO Professional stem cells.
    ATTENTION!Half of the price is to be paid on the web, as a reservation and the rest in cash at the site.The booking is NOT refundable.It is valid for 3 months. 
  • Laksmi Pack (Beauty and Luck)

    Descubre la esencia del bienestar inspirado en la diosa Lakshmi, símbolo de belleza y suerte, este pack te ofrece un oasis de serenidad relajación y rejuvenecimiento.
    • Gentle chocolate therapy massage with chocolate oil and wrap.
    • Facial cleansing, exfoliation, vitamin C ampoule, and facial Shiatsu massage with Jade stone.
    • Head and Neck Massage.
    • All treatments from the packs will be performed on the same day.
    • Can be done as a couple.
    • Prices are per person.
    ATTENTION!Half of the price is to be paid on the web, as a reservation and the rest in cash at the site.The booking is NOT refundable.It is valid for 3 months.
  • Pack Origen

    • Cleansing, Dermapen, Mask, Vitamin C.
    • Pressotherapy on Legs and Abdomen
    • Head and Neck Massage.
    • All treatments from the packs will be performed on the same day.
    • Can be done as a couple.
    • Prices are per person.
    ATTENTION!Half of the price is to be paid on the web, as a reservation and the rest in cash at the site.The booking is NOT refundable.It is valid for 3 months.
  • Pack Sadhana

    TOTAL A PAGAR: 140.00€ ---- 1 PersonaDisfruta de un viaje de relajación y equilibrio con nuestro exclusivo pack, que combina diferentes tratamientos facial y corporal. Envuélvete en un ambiente de sensaciones y olvídate de estrés.
    • Sadhana 40 min.
    • Aloe Vera Facial Brightness and Hydration (Aloe Vera)
    • Foot and Leg Massage.
    • All treatments from the packs will be performed on the same day.
    • Can be done as a couple.
    • Prices are per person.
    ATTENTION!Half of the price is to be paid on the web, as a reservation and the rest in cash at the site.The booking is NOT refundable.It is valid for 3 months.
  • Pack Shantala

    Creado especialmente para las futuras mamás, Vive una experiencia de paz y bienestar con cuidados que te brindan relajación profunda, armonía y conexión especial con tu bebé ya que alivia tensiones físicas, mentales y emocionales
    • Foot exfoliation and foot bath.
    • Foot and leg massage.
    • Nourishing mask for the maternal belly
    • Back and head massage.
     ATTENTION!Half of the price is to be paid on the web, as a reservation and the rest in cash at the site.The booking is NOT refundable.It is valid for 3 months.
  • PARAISO GOLD with Gold Micro Active Assimilable BIO (2 People)

    Minimum duration 2 horas
    TOTAL TO BE PAID: 220.00 € ---- 120 minutes TOTAL TO BE PAID: 115.00 € (1 person)Entre las propiedades del oro destacamos la luminosidad, que estimula la microcirculación sanguínea y celular, con ello conseguimos revitalizar rostro y cuerpo. Su tensor effect ayuda a la producción natural de colágeno, tratamientos anti edad, regenera, nutre e hidrata en profundidad, actúa sobre las irritaciones e imperfecciones dejándola fina, sedosa y aterciopelada. Además, es Antioxidante ya que estimula la oxigenación de la piel aportándole vitalidad y energía. El tratamiento facial incluye limpieza de la piel, tónico refrescante, peeling, mascarilla de oro y crema hidratante anti edad.
    • Luminosity
    • Tensioning effect
    • Regenerator
    • Antioxidant
    • Exfoliation
    • Wrap
    • Massage
    • Shower and tea
    ATTENTION!Half of the price is to be paid on the web, as a reservation and the rest in cash at the site.The booking is NOT refundable.
  • Hot Stones Four-Hand Massage

    Minimum duration 30 minutes
    55.00€ ---- 30 minutos 100.00€ ---- 50 minutosEs uno de los masajes terapéuticos más espectaculares, realizado por dos masajistas a la vez, combinación de piedras calientes a distintas temperaturas para facilitar que fluya la energía vital y aliviar así trastornos físicos y emocionales, dolor muscular tensional una experiencia única que te desconectara de tu rutina diariaATTENTION!Half of the price is to be paid on the web, as a reservation and the rest in cash at the site.The booking is NOT refundable.
  • Pressotherapy

    Minimum duration 30 minutes
    TOTAL A PAGAR: 20€ ---- 30 minutos


    La sensación de un masaje con efectos de relajación y compresión suficientes para activar el sistema linfático y con ello la eliminación de líquidos, de toxinas, edemas, linfedemas and venous disorders better known as varicose veins.
    • Eliminate water retention.
    • Promotes the absorption of edemas.
    • Oxygenates, tones, and restores firmness to the skin.
    • Helps with muscle recovery.
    ATTENTION!Half of the price is to be paid on the web, as a reservation and the rest in cash at the site.The booking is NOT refundable.
  • Facial Radiofrequency And Vitamin C

    Minimum duration 65 minutes
    TOTAL A PAGAR: 75.00€ ---- 65 minutos aprox.Energizante y antioxidante para todo tipo de pieles, incluso las más delicadas. Contiene vitamina C que neutraliza los radicales libres, estimula la síntesis de colágeno, El resultado es una piel más tersa, radiante y luminosa.La radiofrecuencia es una técnica no invasiva enfocada a la estimulación de la producción de colágeno es completamente indolora: El incremento en los niveles de colágeno otorga tensión en el área tratada, lo que se traduce en una disminución de la flacidez y rejuvenecimiento de la zona.
    • Reduce sagging thanks to its lifting effect
    • Conceal expression lines due to increased collagen production
    • Reduction of sebum.
    • Facial cleansing. 10m.
    • Radiofrequency. 10/15m.
    • Mask. 10/15m accompanied by a 15m cranial massage.
    • Ampoule and massage with jade roller. 15m. Final vitamin C cream 5m
    ATTENTION!Half of the price is to be paid on the web, as a reservation and the rest in cash at the site.The booking is NOT refundable.
  • Reset Detox Triple Action

    Minimum duration 70 minutes
    TOTAL TO BE PAID: 60.00 € ---- 70 minutes


    Potente tratamiento diurético combinado con maderoterapia depurativo y desintoxicante. con nutrientes antioxidantes y agentes lipolíticos que estimulan la quema de grasas.
    • EXFOLIATION: Removing dead cells with plant extracts of pomegranate, lemon, and berries.
    • ACTIVATING THERMAL GEL: Promotes fat combustion, reduces adipose nodules, and decreases water retained in tissues.
    • WRAPPING: Draining and lipolytic properties that help reduce volume and reshape the figure.
    • EMULSION: Refreshing and firming formulated with plant extracts.
     An area is chosen to be treated with wood therapy.
    • Back and abdomen
    • Face and arms
    • Legs and buttocks

    ATTENTION!Half of the price is to be paid on the web, as a reservation and the rest in cash at the site.The booking is NOT refundable.
  • Adara RItual (2 people)

    Minimum duration 110 minutes
    TOTAL TO BE PAID: 190.00 € ---- 110 minutes.Enjoy your most complete and special ritual to share con tu pareja o amigos, del cual disfrutareis de una unforgettable experience., entraras en un estado de deep relaxation and well-being desconectando de tu rutina diaria y mimándote. Se realiza un masaje completo que combina adyurvédico, lomi-lomi y piernas y podal, acompañado de una técnica de hidratación profunda con parafina que te ayudara a alleviate muscle and joint pain. Ritual facial Alma: con la limpieza de la piel con vitaminas y mascarillas para todo tipo de pieles. To pamper yourself beyond the body and caress the soul. 
    • 50-minute full body massage
    • 15 minutes we will apply paraffin on the feet
    • For 35 minutes, we will perform the Stem Cell Facial while the paraffin on the feet takes effect.
    • 10 minutes for tea, water, and chocolates
    ATTENTION!Half of the price is to be paid on the web, as a reservation and the rest in cash at the site.The booking is NOT refundable.

    Minimum duration 70 minutes
    TOTAL A PAGAR: 65.00€ ---- 70 minutosInnovador Tratamiento antiedad y reafirmante, ritual de belleza que combina el peeling químico (alfahidroxiácido, que produce una exfoliación continuada y una estimulación de la regeneración celular de la piel sin recurrir a componentes abrasivos) efecto antiedad células madre de origen vegetal y el ácido hialurónico.INCLUDES
    • Bayo Professional Cleansing Milk
    • Bayo Professional AHA Synergy Complex
    • Stem Cells Active Concentrate
    • Bayo Professional Nourishing Mask
    • EXXER Stem Cell Anti-aging Cream
    Completing it with a wonderful body exfoliation  Exfoliante corporal con un suave masaje de 20m ducha 10m40-minute facial treatment ATTENTION!Half of the price is to be paid on the web, as a reservation and the rest in cash at the site.The booking is NOT refundable.
  • Chocotherapy Ritual

    Minimum duration 70 minutes
    TOTAL A PAGAR: 60.00 € / 110 € para dos personas ---- 70 minutos La chocolaterapia es un tratamiento de bienestar en la piel que consiste en hacer suaves masajes en el cuerpo, embadurnándolo con chocolate. Este tiene propiedades antioxidantes que permiten retrasar el envejecimiento.El principal objetivo de este tipo de masaje es el de relajarte. Este masaje busca reducir tus niveles de estrés ayuda a burn accumulated fat and reduce cellulite. INCLUDES
    • 40-minute massage with chocolate oil
    • 20-minute chocolate wrap
    • 10-minute shower
    ATTENTION!Half of the price is to be paid on the web, as a reservation and the rest in cash at the site.The booking is NOT refundable.
  • Essences of roses Ritual

    Minimum duration 70 minutes
    TOTAL A PAGAR: 70.00€ ---- 70 minutosExfoliante corporal de azúcar y rosa mosqueta de gran acción regenerating and antioxidant action..Contiene aceite de rosehip sumérgete en a relaxing bath by candlelight, with musical thread fragancia sales de rosas hidratadas con vitamina C y E.Completa tu ritual con un masaje relajante de 30min con aceite vegetal de rosa mosqueta.
    • Stimulates the lymphatic system 
    • Eliminates dead cells, allowing the epidermis to be clean and toned.
    • Prevents skin aging and activates circulation and oxygenation of the skin.
    • Rosa Mosquera body scrub. 20M
    • Bath with rose salts and strawberries. 15M
    • Relaxing massage with rosehip oil. 30M
      ATTENTION!Half of the price is to be paid on the web, as a reservation and the rest in cash at the site.The booking is NOT refundable.
  • Facial ritual with Dermapen

    Minimum duration 50 minutes
    TOTAL A PAGAR: 55.00€ ---- 50 minutosEs un tratamiento mínimamente invasivo cuyo objetivo es mejorar la calidad de la piel, estimulando la producción de colágeno y permitiendo que los activos penetren de una forma mucho más profunda.Se trata de un tratamiento eficaz para reducir las líneas de expresión, arrugas finas, cicatrices, manchas y el tamaño de los poros, además de mejorar la turgencia de la piel.Benefits:
    • Provides Antioxidant Properties
    • Stimulates collagen production, helping to blur facial wrinkles.
    • Helps reduce skin damage caused by the sun and protects our skin from photoaging.
    • Revitalizes and reactivates the dermis.
    • Improves skin texture, uniformity, and quality.
    It includes
    • Facial hygiene with cleansing milk, enzymatic exfoliant
    • Vitamin C or hyaluronic acid ampoule with Dermapen 25min
    • Alginate mask, selected for your skin type, 15/20min
    • Foot massage while the mask is on.
    ATTENTION!Half of the price is to be paid on the web, as a reservation and the rest in cash at the site.The booking is NOT refundable.
  • Caviar Gold and Pearls Facial With Anubis

    Minimum duration 65 minutes
    TOTAL A PAGAR: 70.00€ ---- 65 minutosThis anti-aging gold micro active facial, inspired by traditional Chinese medicine, el oro estimula la microcirculación sanguínea y celular aportando luminosidad y aumentando la síntesis de colágeno y elastina, lucha contra los signos de la edad erasing the wrinkles and expression lines, from the first session.
    • Regenerating anti-wrinkle effect
    • Deeply moisturizes
    • Strengthens the dermis's protective barrier
    • Stimulates skin oxygenation
    • Skin cleansing and deep exfoliation with AHA and Glycolic Acid.
    • Application of concentrate with caviar and pearls plus facial Shiatsu massage with rose quartz.
    • Anti-aging mask with Gold and Diamonds powder, 15/20m accompanied by a foot massage.
    • Anti-aging moisturizing cream, 5m
    ATTENTION!Half of the price is to be paid on the web, as a reservation and the rest in cash at the site.The booking is NOT refundable.
  • Ayurveda With Pindas Ritual

    Minimum duration 60 minutes
    TOTAL A PAGAR: 70€ ---- 60 minutos


    Living in balance is the principle of Ayurveda, the science of life, an ancient Indian belief that seeks wellness and balance.We will start eliminando células muertas with a gentle rejuvenating body scrub of natural origin, followed by a massage with hot pindas and oil at different temperatures, ingredientes como la rosa de la India y la miel del Himalaya.INCLUDES
    • Exfoliation with a gentle 20-minute massage.
    • 10-minute shower.
    • Massage with pindas and purifying herbs for 30 minutes on back and legs.
    ATTENTION!Half of the price is to be paid on the web, as a reservation and the rest in cash at the site.The booking is NOT refundable.
  • Shantala pregnant

    Minimum duration 70 minutes
    65.00€ ---- 70 minutos


    Recomendado para las futuras mamás, ya que pueden atenuar molestias o alteraciones comunes, alivia tensiones físicas, mentales y emocionales. It will begin with a foot bath, con sales de rosas seguido de un masaje en pies y piernas, se añadirá una will be added en el maternal belly altamente nutritiva elastina de efectos reafirmantes y anti estrías. Followed, we will perform a massage in the area according to the needs and preference of the pregnant woman..
    • Lymphatic drainage promotes blood circulation and reduces fluid retention.
    • Reduces fatigue, stress, and anxiety.
    •  Helps to fall asleep.
    • Foot bath with rose salts: 10 minutes.
    • Foot and Leg Massage. 30 minutes 
    • 20-minute massage tailored to the mother's needs.
    • Nourishing stretch mark mask on the maternal belly. 10 minutes
    ATTENTION!Half of the price is to be paid on the web, as a reservation and the rest in cash at the site.The booking is NOT refundable.
  • Facial treatment with aloe vera and hialuronic acid.

    Minimum duration 65 minutes
    TOTAL A PAGAR: 60.00€ ---- 65 minutosEl Aloe vera es una planta milenaria sus resultados cosméticos han sido probados y alabados por multitud de especialistas en estética los tratamientos más exclusivos tomando como base este producto. Tiene la capacidad de astringir las pieles grasas, de hidratar las secas, de regular el sebo en el acné y de calmar las pieles irritadas.
    • For all skin types: reduces oily tendencies.
    • Accelerates the formation and growth of new cells.
    • Refreshing, stimulating, and tones.
    • Skin cleansing. 10m and exfoliation. 10m.
    • Application of hyaluronic acid concentrate 10.m
    • Natural aloe vera mask, accompanied by a 30m foot and leg massage.
    • Final moisturizing cream, with a gentle jade stone massage. 10.m
    ATTENTION!Half of the price is to be paid on the web, as a reservation and the rest in cash at the site.The booking is NOT refundable.

Santa Lucía street, Nº7 2º3


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952061320 - 682325416


M-S from 11:00 to 21:30